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第五届喷气推进与动力工程国际会议(5th ISJPPE)活动预告

发布日期:2014-09-10    作者:     来源:     点击:
第五届喷气推进与动力工程国际会议(5th ISJPPE)活动预告

The 5th International Symposium on

Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering

September 15-17, 2014

Beijing, China

  General information

  The International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering (ISJPPE) originated from Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, BUAA) of China and RWTH Aachen University of Germany. The main goal of the ISJPPE is to review recent progress achieved in jet propulsion and power engineering to facilitate the exchange of results and hold discussions among scientists and engineers in this field. A broad cooperation and exchange of new ideas between specialists will be promoted in order to consolidate recent advances in the knowledge of jet propulsion and power engineering. The 5th ISJPPE will be organized by Beihang University, China, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Imperial College London, UK, and will be hosted by the Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Aero-Engine (CICAAE) of China. The official language for the Symposium is English. All papers will be subject to thorough peer review.

  The Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Aero-Engine (CICAAE) of China has been authorized and supported by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance of China. Beihang University (BUAA) and China Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC) are the core members of CICAAE, with other collaborative members included by Northwestern Polytechnical University, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University and Chinese Academy of Engineering Thermophysics etc. The mission of the CICAAE is to promote the educational and scientific innovation in the area of advanced aero-engines.

Opening Ceremony and Invited Lectures

VENUE: Lecture Hall 2, Conference Centre, New Main Building

  Tuesday Moring, September 16, 2014

  8:30-9:15 Opening Ceremony

  9:15-9:50 Invited Lecture 1: What does the future bring? A look at Technologies for Commercial Aircraft in the years 2035-2050 -- Prof. Meyer Jacques Benzakein

  9:50-10:25 Invited Lecture 2: Upcoming Technical Challenges for the Aero engines of the 21st Century -- Prof. Jacques Renvier

  10:40-11:15 Invited Lecture 3: Recent Progress in Study of Flow Instability Inception in Turbomachinery -- Prof. X. F. Sun

  11:15-11:50 Invited Lecture 4: Design and Upgrade of Cooled Components in Modern Gas Turbines with Conjugate Heat Transfer Technology -- Prof. Dieter Bohn

  Wednesday Moring, September 17, 2014

  8:30-9:05 Invited Lecture 5: Current Status and Future Trends in Aircraft Noise Research -- Prof. Yueping Guo

  9:05-9:40 Invited Lecture 6: Aerodynamic Losses From Turbine Components Within Gas Turbine Engines -- Prof. Phillip Ligrani

  9:40-10:15 Invited Lecture 7: A Perfectly Parallel Optimization for Cutback Trailing Edges -- Prof. Paul G.Tucker
  10:30-11:05 Invited Lecture 8: Using General Morphological Analysis to Tackle Uncertainty at the Design Phase for a Safety Critical Application – Prof. Peter Childs

  11:05-11:40 Invited Lecture 9: Cold Spray Technology and Aerospace Applications -- Prof. Stephen Yue

  Wednesday Afternoon, September 17, 2014

  14:00-14:35 Invited Lecture 10: Large-Eddy Simulation: a Glance at the Past, a Gaze at the Present, a Glimpse at the Future -- Dr. Z.Y.Yang

  14:35-15:10 Invited Lecture 11: Numerical Investigation into the Applicability of Breakup Models to Fuel Injection Spray -- Dr. Zhijun Peng

  Technical Sessions
  Tuesday Afternoon, 14:00-17:00, September 16, 2014

Session 1: Propulsion Engine Design and Control

VENUE: Meeting room 2, Conference Centre, New Main Building

Session 2: Structural Strength, Vibration and Reliability

VENUE: Meeting room 3, Conference Centre, New Main Building

Session 3: Heat and Mass Transfer

VENUE: Meeting room 4, Conference Centre, New Main Building

Session 4: Reacting Flows and Combustion

VENUE: Meeting room 5, Conference Centre, New Main Building

Session 5: Turbomachinery, Internal Flow and Acoustics

VENUE: Lecture Hall 2, Conference Centre, New Main Building


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