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Recruitment notice from the NPS and the CICAAE at Beihang University

发布日期:2016-09-27    作者:     来源:     点击:
The school of energy and power engineering at Beihang university is one of 17 national high education comprehensive reform pilot schools endowed by the Ministry of Education in 2012. The Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Aero-Engine was one of the first batch of innovation centers that was awarded “2011 Program” by the Ministry of Education in 2013, and is one of the first 14 collaborative innovation centers in China.
1.    Research fields
a)      Aerospace or Mechanical Engineering (including the aerospace-related subjects, such as overall system of power machinery, inner flow aerodynamics, engineering heat transfer, structural and solid mechanics, engineering combustion, NVH study of power machinery, power machinery control theory, high temperature and structural materials science, mechanical transmission and tribology, power machinery manufacturing technology etc.);
b)   Renewable energy science and technology (sustainable energy systems, energy conversion and storage, renewable energy material); 
c)      Environmental science and technology (combustion emissions formation, characterization of ambient air quality and air pollutant source emissions, the formation, transport, and disposition of aerosols);
d)     Other related basic disciplines and interdisciplinary fields on energy and power engineering.
2.    Eligibilities and Remuneration Package
A.   ‘Youth 1000 Talents’ Professorship for the National Pilot School
1)    Eligibilities and requirements
a)      Under 40 years old; obtained a PhD degree at one of famous overseas universities, and has more than 3 years research work experience abroad; alternatively, obtained a domestic PhD degree, and has overseas research experience of more than 5 years;
b)     Has official teaching or research position in one of famous overseas universities, scientific research institutions or Research and Development department of world-class enterprises;
c)      Full time work in China is essential after recruitment;
d)     Is one of the top-notch talents in the engaged scientific fields, and has the potential of academic or technical leader;
e)     For those who has outstanding research achievements in their PhD period, the limitation of age and working experience may be exempted.
2)    Remuneration Package and benefits
Chinese government will offer research funding of 1-3 million RMB and one-time subsidies of 500k RMB. In addition, Beihang University will provide other remuneration package and benefits as follows:
a)      Offer full professorship with the entitlement of tutoring a PhD;
b)     Offer annual salary of 200k-300k RMB and 1 million RMB scientific research funding;
c)      Provide office and research space;
d)     Provide assistance and guidance in terms of residence permit, registration, medical insurance, education of children, spouse placement etc.
B1. ‘Excellent 100 Talents’ Professorship for the National Pilot School
1)     Eligibilities and requirements
a)      Under 40 years old; obtained a PhD degree at one of the famous overseas universities; alternatively, obtained a domestic PhD degree, and has overseas research experience of more than 2 years;
b)     Has official teaching or research position in one of famous overseas universities, scientific research institutions or Research and Development department of world-class enterprises;
c)      Full time work in China is essential after recruitment;
d)     In the forefront of academic research work, made important achievements acknowledged by peers all over the world, and has high academic attainments and academic reputation.
2)     Remuneration Package and benefits
a)      Offer annual salary of 200k-300k RMB and 0.3-1 million RMB scientific start-up research funding;
b)     Provide office and research space;
c)      Provide accommodation on the campus and privilege of purchasing apartments at premier prices;
d)     Provide assistance and guidance in terms of residence permit, registration, medical insurance, education of children, spouse placement etc.
B2. ‘Excellent 100 Talents’ Research Fellow for the Collaborative Innovation Center
1)     Eligibilities and requirements
a)      Under 45 years old; obtained a PhD degree at one of the famous overseas universities; has an experience of participating in major research projects in well-known universities, research institutions or world-class enterprises for more than 5 years;
b)     Has official research position in one of famous overseas universities, scientific research institutions or Research and Development department of world-class enterprises;
c)      Full time work in China is essential after recruitment;
d)     Engaged in aerial frontier research work of science and technology in this field of research, and made important achievements acknowledged by peers at home and abroad, has enjoy high reputation in this field
e)     In the forefront of research work, made important achievements acknowledged by peers all over the world, and has outstanding research capability and high reputation.
2)     Remuneration Package and benefits
Refer to the recruitment policy promulgated by the National Laboratory of Aeronautical  Science and Technology. Special circumstances can be negotiable.
C1. ‘Excellent 100 Talents’ Associate Professorship for the National Pilot School
1)     Eligibilities and requirements
a)      Under 35 years old; obtained a PhD degree at one of the famous overseas universities; alternatively, obtained a domestic PhD degree, and has overseas research experience of more than 1 years;
b)     Has official teaching or research position in one of famous overseas universities, scientific research institutions or Research and Development department of world-class enterprises;
c)      Full time work in China is essential after recruitment;
d)     In the forefront of academic research work, disseminated innovative research findings acknowledged by peers all over the world, and is regarded as a top-notch researcher in the engaged field.
2)     Remuneration Package and benefits
a)      Offer annual salary of 150k-200k RMB and 100k-300k RMB scientific start-up research funding;
b)     Provide office and research space;
c)      Provide accommodation on the campus and privilege of purchasing apartments at premier prices;
d)     Provide assistance and guidance in terms of residence permit, registration, medical insurance, education of children, spouse placement etc.
C2. ‘Excellent 100 Talents’ Associate Research Fellow for the Collaborative Innovation Center
1)     Eligibilities and requirements
a)      Under 40 years old; obtained a PhD degree at one of the famous overseas universities; has an experience of participating in major research projects in well-known universities, research institutions or world-class enterprises for more than 2 years;
b)     Has official research position in one of famous overseas universities, scientific research institutions or Research and Development department of world-class enterprises;
c)      Full time work in China is essential after recruitment;
d)     In the forefront of research work, disseminated innovative research findings acknowledged by peers all over the world, and is regarded as a top-notch researcher in the engaged field.
2)     Remuneration Package and benefits
Refer to the recruitment policy promulgated by the National Laboratory of Aeronautical  Science and Technology. Special circumstances can be negotiable.
3.     ‘Future Power’ or 'Green Energy' Youth Innovation Fund
Successful applicants of aforementioned talents program A, B (B1, B2) or C (C1, C2), whose age are under 35 years old (under 37 years old for females) are entitled to apply for additional ‘Future Power’ or 'Green Energy' youth innovation fund. The youth innovation funding will offer 600k RMB to support each project for 3 consecutive years. The funding is mainly used as the applicants’ research award. The applicant will have to work in the advanced aero engine collaborative innovation center or  the National Pilot School as a faculty of the school of energy and power engineering. The school will provide office and research space and performance award according to the assessment ways.
4. Application process
Candidates may submit the application materials via e-mail or mails. The application materials should include: application forms, personal information form and attachment. The attachment should include: three recommendation letters from foreign scholars, one recommendation letter from Chinese scholars, copy of degree certificates, copy of identity card or passport, proof of working experience abroad, copy and proof of the primary scientific achievements over the past 5 years (representative works, patent certificate, certificate of product), proof of leadership (participation) of research projects, copy of award certificates and other relevant materials.
Note: ‘Youth 1000 Talents’ applicants should fill in the ‘Youth 1000 Talents’ application form and the attached personal information form, whilst ‘Excellent 100 Talents’ applicants should fill in the ‘Excellent 100 Talents’ application form and the attached personal information form.
5.     Others
Please visit the ‘National Youth 1000 Talent’ Program website (//www.1000plan.org) to obtain the application forms and application deadline information. There is no application deadline for ‘Excellent 100 Talents’ , ‘Future Power’ and 'Green Energy' Programs, and the application forms can be downloaded from the website of the school of energy and power engineering, Beihang University (//galaxyylc.com).
6. Contacts
Email: dean_galaxyylc.com


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