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发布日期:2014-06-26    作者:     来源:     点击:


题目:多尺度材料强度及失效分析与数值模拟Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Materials Strength and Failure
报告人: Bo Li (波), Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Case Western Reserve

University, USA
报告人简介: Bo Li is an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at

Case Western Reserve University (CWRU). His research focuses on solid and computational

mechanics, meshfree methods, failure processes in solids, biomechanics, thermal-fluid-structure interaction and high performance computing. Prof. Li received his Ph.D. in Aerospace

Engineering from California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in 2009. He became a staff scientist at the

Graduate Aerospace Laboratories at Caltech (GALCIT) and the Caltech Center for Advanced

Computing Research (CACR) from 2009-2013. Dr. Li served as a chief scientist at the Caltech's

Center for Predictive Science Academic Alliance Program (PSAAP), a $27million and five years

project funded by DOE, USA. In 2013, Dr. Li joined the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace

Engineering at CWRU as an Assistant Professor. Prof. Li has coauthored a number of refereed

journal articles in numerical methods for general solid and fluid flows, multiscale modeling and

simulations of dynamic response of materials in extreme events (e.g. ballistic/hypervelocity

impact and blast loading), and others. He is the original author of the Optimal Transportation

Meshfree (OTM) method and the material point Eigenerosion algorithm. Prof. Li has close

collaborations with DoE, DoD, DARPA, NASA, ONR and Air Force in the United States. He is

awarded the NASA Summer Faculty Fellowship in 2014.


Microwave patch antenna for battery-less wireless sensing
报告人:Prof. Haiying Huang,Dept. of Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering,

University of Texas Arlington
报告摘要:Sensor technologies are the foundation of all “smart” technologies,e.g.

mobile health, robotics, smart grid, environmental monitoring, structuralhealth monitoring, etc.

A major challenge for sensor research is to achievedensely

distributed, wireless, low power consumption sensor networks.

This talkpresents the study of microwave patch antenna sensors to address thischallenge. We

discovered that a microstrip patch antenna can be designed tosense various

physical parameters, including strain, pressure, shear, and cracketc.

Since the patch antenna also serves as a data transmission device,battery-less wireless interrogation of the antenna sensors can beachieved. In addition,

frequency-divisionmultiplexing can be exploited to simultaneously interrogate

multi-element sensorarrays. These unique characteristics make the microwave

antenna sensor anattractive candidate for densely distributed wireless sensor

networks. Theoperating principles of the antenna sensors will be explained

first, followedby the discussions of two wireless interrogation schemes. The

applications ofthe wireless sensors for strain and crack monitoring will be

报告人简介:Prof.Haiying Huang is an associate professor of the department of Mechanical

andAerospace Engineering at the University of Texas Arlington. She graduated

fromBUAA with a bachelor degree in 1991 and received a PhD degree in Aerospace

Engineering and a master degree in Electrical Engineering; both from the

Georgia Institute of Technology. Prof. Huang has published 34 journal papers,

54conference papers, and has 9 patents/disclosures. She is a recipient of the

2009 NSF CAREER award and the 2007 Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship. P

rof.Huang is a member of the ASME, IEEE, and AIAA


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